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Join our work to break the cycle of malnutrition and advance maternal health, everywhere for everyone.

    Creating a Ripple Effect:

    The Global Impact of Comprehensive Prenatal Vitamins

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    Multiple Micronutrient Supplements (MMS) are powerful prenatal multivitamins
that can improve lives & pregnancies, all in one little pill.

    Over one billion women and girls suffer from malnutrition, which hinders their potential and jeopardizes future generations. In low- and middle-income countries, where malnutrition and child mortality are more common, pregnant women often receive supplements with only two nutrients: ironΒ andΒ folic acid. MMS is a game changer, providing 15 essential vitamins and minerals enhancing the health of pregnant women and their babies.

    The 2023 Health and Wellbeing Campaign, which surveyed 1.3 million women globally, identified food security and nutrition as a top priority, underscoring the urgent need to elevate MMS on the maternal health agenda and raise awareness of its profound impact.

    Investing in a baby’s nutrition, with MMS as an important source, promotes lifelong health, education, and productivity. This investment is key to breaking the intergenerational cycle of malnutrition and fostering equitable development in low- and middle-income countries.

    At less than two cents per tablet, MMS is one of the most cost-effective investments in global health and nutrition. The Copenhagen Consensus Report highlights an annual benefit of over US$ 3.1 billion from lives saved and improved through MMS.

    Learn about the ripple effect of MMS’ impact and why nutrition matters from an early age:



    • Women’s Voices from Bangladesh

      Video courtesy of Micronutrient Forum – Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, Sight and Life, Touch Root



    • MMS in Rwanda: Better Nutrition for Pregnant Women

      Video courtesy of UNICEF Rwanda



    • How UNICEF Is Breaking the Malnutrition Cycle in Ethiopia

      Video courtesy of UNICEF



    • Why access to prenatal vitamins is a health equity issue

      Video courtesy of Devex and sponsored by Eleanor Crook Foundation


    This collection of resources, curated by global MMS advocacy and implementation partners, is designed to empower healthcare providers with essential tools and information about the powerful potential of MMS.

    For a more comprehensive list, visit Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Consortium’s one-stop shop for MMS resources. Link out and share these materials to improve maternal health outcomes worldwide.


    Healthier Pregnancies and Brighter Futures for Mothers and Babies: A global investment roadmap for multiple micronutrient supplementation

    Eleanor Crook Foundation (ECF) The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) Kirk Humanitarian

    This roadmap outlines a global strategy to scale up the use of MMS by 2030, sharing the health benefits for mothers and babies, economic impact of malnutrition and need for coordinated global efforts.


    A global investment roadmap for multiple micronutrient supplementation

    BMGF CIFF ECF Kirk Humanitarian

    This overview brief provides a summary of the global investment roadmap for MMS and how to mobilize resources to drive impact by scaling MMS.


    Sommaire: Une feuille de route mondiale pour l’investissement dans la supplΓ©mentation en micronutriments multiples

    BMGF CIFF ECF Kirk Humanitarian

    Cette synthΓ¨se fournit un rΓ©sumΓ© de la feuille de route mondiale d’investissement pour le MMS et explique comment mobiliser des ressources pour gΓ©nΓ©rer un impact en dΓ©veloppant le MMS.


    World Map of MMS Activities

    Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies (HMHB)

    The interactive map summarizes the situation related to impact studies, implementation research, demonstration pilots, and scaling-up activities at the country level by various partners.


    Born Too Soon: Decade of Action on Preterm Birth


    This report looks to the future, setting an ambitious agenda to reduce the burden of preterm birth by addressing factors outside of and within the health system that affect preterm birth.


    Countries Driving Impact On Maternal Nutrition:Β Stories From Nepal, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia


    This page highlights the impactful efforts of Nepal, Bangladesh, and Ethiopia in advancing maternal nutrition. It shares challenges, success stories, and strategies these countries have implemented.


    WHO Model List of Essential Medicines – 23rd list, 2023


    This is for countries or regional authorities to adopt or adapt in accordance with local priorities and treatment guidelines for the development and updating of national essential medicines lists.


    MMS in Rwanda: Better Nutrition for Pregnant Women

    UNICEF Rwanda Kirk Humanitarian

    Watch how in Rwanda has rolled out the distribution of multiple micronutrient supplements (MMS) to improve maternal nutrition as a game changer to accelerated reduction of stunting.


    Undernourished and Overlooked: A Global Nutrition Crisis in Adolescent Girls and Women


    UNICEF examines the current status, trends and inequities in the nutritional status of adolescent girls and women of reproductive age, and the barriers they face in accessing nutrition.



    Get Involved

    In 2020, the White Ribbon Alliance established the ‘Ask, Listen, Act’ approach to learn from women and girls about what they wanted most for their health and wellbeing. This approach is based on the understanding that the answers lie within the communities themselves. They are the experts of their own lives and solutions should be developed with their thoughtful input and involvement.

    By sharing details about yourself and your community, we can better understand your needs and those of the women and families you support and advocate for. From there, we’ll share regionally tailored maternal nutrition resources and developments, and ways to get involved in efforts to ensure women everywhere have access to the transformative impact of MMS.